“Iron Man: Armored Adventures” follows Tony Stark, 16-year-old inventor and heir to the billion-dollar corporation Stark International, as he battles the enemies of world peace with his revolutionary armor technology. Growing up, Tony had always lived a life of luxury, but everything went horribly wrong when a tragic plane accident robbed him of his father and nearly cost him his own life. Eager to honor the memory of his dad, Tony now uses his suit of invincible armor and technical know-how to protect those who would also fall prey to tragedy, corruption and conspiracy. With help from his friends Rhodey and Pepper Potts, Tony’s activities as Iron Man result in nonstop high-octane action.
Team up with Tony Stark and his friends in the next 6 episodes of Season 2, as he continues his fierce battle to prevent the stolen Iron Man technology from being used for evil. Iron Man faces an enemy like none other when the villainous Doctor Doom sets his sights on the Iron Man tech. The battle continues, as Iron Man must face the might of Titanium Man and Iron Monger. Witness Iron Man’s first meeting with the Black Widow and Hawkeye. It’s hard to tell who is friend or foe but rest assured that Iron Man won’t be deceived! So suit up in your best armor and join Iron Man in the heroic adventure of a lifetime!
I enjoyed watching this with my 2 sons... I think Ironman Armored Adventures Season 2 vol 2 is an adventure for the whole family. Their favorite was the "The Hawk And The Spider" episode. I thought that the animations were well done. It was still fun to watch the episodes with my kids and know that even though they are getting older that they still like to watch Super Heros with their mom!
- Titanium Vs. Iron
- The Might Of Doom
- The Hawk And The Spider
- Enter : Iron Manager
- Fugitive Of S.H.I.E.L.D
- All The Best People Are Mad
We love Armored Adventures. Such a good deal too for the price since there are so many episodes.
My boys love this series.
I hadn't heard of this series. I'll have to check it out!
WE have really enjoyed this series.
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