Friday, November 18, 2011

My Twilight experience

I got to see "Twilight" at 8:00 and the theater wasn't really crowded at all.   The movie was awesome..we got out about 10:00 or so and oh my gosh there were people lined up all over the place to see the midnight showing.  there was one fan that actually wore a wedding dress like Bella in the movie, (talk about dedication).  it was just crazy there was another girl that had blue duck tape under her eyes that said Team Jacob all I can say is "Ouch"
there were older women taking pictures with the cardboard signs of Edward or Jacob.  It was absolute craziness everywhere I turned.  I was so glad that I went at 8:00 but the movie itself was totally awesome!  as we were leaving people were still coming in with their chairs waiting for the midnight showing.  I had fun.
If anyone is going to see this movie I would love to know how your experience was.


Patricia said...

Following It's Monday blog hop.
G+ cirle follower.

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